28.01.2025 | 16:00 Uhr | Museum am Löwentor

Research Colloquium: Importance of montane forests for amphibian diversity and conservation in Rwanda

Vortrag & Museum digital
Fotocollage aus Anbaufläche und vier Amphibienarten

Loss of natural habitat due to land-use change is one of the major threats to biodiversity worldwide. It not only affects the diversity of local species communities (alpha diversity) but can also lead to large-scale homogenization of community composition (reduced beta diversity) and loss of regional diversity (gamma diversity), but these effects are still rarely investigated. The talk provides an introduction to the diversity of amphibians in Rwanda. The composition of amphibian assemblages in farmland and natural sites was assessed in a country-wide study with regards to taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic diversity, both on the local (community-level) and regional scale (country-wide). The effect of land-use change on different scales of diversity and assemblage-composition and possible means to reduce these effects are discussed.

Di, 28.01.25 16 Uhr Museum am Löwentor und Online (via Zoom), Maximilian Dehling, Universität Koblenz

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