Innenansicht Cafe Fossil

Café und Shop

A place to relax

Café Fossil at Museum am Löwentor

Take a rest and enjoy a view of the park while savouring a cup of coffee. Café Fossil offers a variety of food and beverages as well as catering services.

For more information click here.

Opening hours Café Fossil

Tue-Fri: 10-17 Uhr
Sat, Sun, PH: 10-18 Uhr

Africa-Lounge at Schloss Rosenstein

In the cosy bubble-chairs you can relax with your own food and drinks. Coffee machine and water dispenser are available.

Afrikalounge Schloss RosensteinAfrikalounge Schloss Rosenstein

Museum shops

Nature to read and play with: technical literature, books, posters, toys, jewellery and other unusual articles – you will find all of that in our two museum shops. 

And of course, there is the complete range of museum education: museum tours, handicraft kits, puzzle books and work sheets. Biological and paleontological themed books from our popular scientific magazine Series C or lifelike dinosaur and other animal models complete the offer. 

Here, everyone will find their favourite dinosaur, a souvenir or a present.

Shop opening hours

Tue-Fri: 9-17 Uhr
Sat, Sun, PH: 10-18 Uhr
Museumsshop Museum am LöwentorMuseumsshop Museum am Löwentor