Besucherinnen vor Wolfspräparaten

For visitors

Dear visitors,

please note: The visitor parking area at the Museum am Löwentor is currently not available due to urgently needed construction and renovation work. Please note that illegally parked vehicles without an authorisation card will be towed away for a fee. Please use public transport. The handicapped parking space on Nordbahnhofstraße can still be used.

Our locations

Opening hours

Tue-Fri: 9-17 h
Sat / Sun / holidays: 10-18 h

On public holidays the opening hours are the same as for the weekend (10-18 h), even if the holiday is on a Monday.

The museum is closed on the following public holidays: December 24th, 25th and 31st. On New Year (January 1st) our museum will be open from 13-18 h.

Lageplan Ausstellungsgebäude Museum am Löwentor und Schloss RosensteinLageplan Ausstellungsgebäude Museum am Löwentor und Schloss Rosenstein


Museum am Löwentor
Rosenstein 1 (Kreuzung Ehmann-, Nordbahnhofstraße)
70191 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0) 711-8936-0

Schloss Rosenstein
Rosenstein 14
70191 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0) 711-8936-0

Entrance fees and opening hours


Café & Shop

Refugees welcome


In our events schedule you will find an overview of our upcoming events (in german only)

Event schedule

Visitors' gallery