16.12.2023 - 13.10.2024

Rock Fossils feat. The Rolling Stoneflies

Special exhibition

Duration: 16.12.2023 - 13.10.2024

Museum am Löwentor

When scientists discover a new and previously unknown fossil species, they get the right to give it a scientific name. Some choose a name that describes the appearance of the organism. Others name it after the place where it was found. And then there are those who name fossils after their favourite rock stars.

This is where science meets music! “Rock Fossils” is a voyage through evolution accompanied by hard riffs of rock and metal. The exhibition shows fossils bearing the names of stars of heavy music. The extinct animal species are portrayed by incredibly detailed and larger than life models made by the masters of delicate scientific modelling from 10 Tons. Of course, the music itself can’t be missing: From the Beatles to Cannibal Corpse, each fossil is accompanied by songs of its namesake.

The backstage area of the exhibition is devoted to the museum’s own “Rolling Stoneflies”, 100 million years old stoneflies encased in amber. They were discovered at the Natural History Museum Stuttgart and all named after former and present members of The Rolling Stones.

Clear the stage for fossils, art and heavy music! Let’s rock!


Team Rock Fossils

Project team

10 Tons, Rune Fjord Studio, Dr Jesper Milàn, Geomuseum Faxe, Prof Dr Mats E. Eriksson and Dr Achim Reisdorf
Many thanks for the support to the Natural History Museum of Bern, Fossilienmuseum Dotternhausen, National Museum of Natural History Luxembourg
Exhibition texts: 10 Tons, Senckenberg Naturmuseum Frankfurt

Official webpage of the travelling exhibition "Rock Fossils on Tour"

Project team Natural History Museum Stuttgart

Exhibition texts about “The Rolling Stones” and “The Rolling Stoneflies”: Dr Arnold Staniczek
Revisions: Dr Anne Schubert & Dr Sebastian Lotzkat
Editing: Semjon Krassovitski, Dr Sebastian Lotzkat, Dr Anne Schubert, Dr Daniel Whitmore, Robin Witt
Project leader: Julia Bergener
Exhibition design: Saskia Vogt, Daniel Zinser
Graphic design & creative advertising: Daniel Zinser
Marketing & press: Semjon Krassovitski, Lilian Lemmerhofer, Meike Rech, Liliana Reinöhl, Tobias Wilhelm
Exhibition construction: Martina Battenstein, Matthias Boller
Media systems: Dieter Hagmann
Technicians: Tuema Alarab, Adem Bulic, Xhafer Salihu
Directorate: Lars Krogmann, Beate Lex