Dr. Ursula Eberhardt

Scientific Associate

Mycology, EU-Project "BioDivMon: Monitoring and mapping of fungal diversity for nature conservation (FunDive)"


+49 (0) 711 / 8936-203
+49 (0) 711 / 8936-100

Research interests

Species delimitation, systematics, phylogeny and distribution of ectomycorrhizal fungi




  • Bartlett P, Eberhardt U, Beker HJ. 2022. Demystifying Hebeloma: introducing hebeloma.org and its database. IMA Fungus 13:18. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-022-00105-2
  • Bartlett P, Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Beker HJ. 2022. Species determination using AI machine-learning algorithms: Hebeloma as a case study. IMA Fungus 13: 13. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-022-00099-x
  • Bandini D, Brandrud TE, Dima B, Dondl M, Fachada V, Hussong A, Mifsud S, Oertel B, Campo FJR, Thüs H, Vauras J, Weholt Ø, Eberhardt U. 2022. Fibre caps across Europe: type studies and 11 new species of Inocybe (Agaricales, Basidiomycota). Integrative Systematics published online 16.11.2022.
  • Eberhardt U, Kong A, Montoya A, Schütz N, Bartlett P, Beker HJ, 2022. Not (only) poison pies – Hebeloma (Agaricales, Hymenogastraceae) in Mexico. Mycokeys 90: 163–202. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.90.85267
  • Bandini D, Oertel B, Eberhardt U. 2022. More smooth-spored species of Inocybe (Agaricales, Basidiomycota): type studies and 12 new species from Europe. Persoonia 48: 91–149. https://doi.org/10.3767/persoonia.2022.48.03 
  • Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Bartlett P, Beker HJ. 2022. 96 North American taxa sorted – Peck's Hebeloma revisited. Mycologia: 114: 337–387. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2021.2012063 
  • Bandini D, Oertel B, Eberhardt U. 2022. Noch mehr Risspilze (3): Einundzwanzig neue Arten der Familie Inocybaceae. Mycologia Bavarica 22: 31-138.
  • Eberhardt U., Schütz N, Bartlett P, Hosaka K, Kasuya T, Beker HJ. 2022. Revisiting Hebeloma (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales) in Japan: four species recombined into other genera but three new species discovered. Mycological Progress 21: 447–472. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-021-01757-x 


  • Bartlett P, Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Beker HJ. 2021. Machine Learning for species identification: The Hebeloma Project from database to website. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 5: e73972. https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.5.73972  
  • Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Bartlett P, Beker HJ. Submitted. 95 North American taxa sorted – Peck's Hebeloma revisited. Mycologia.
  • Bandini D, Oertel B, Eberhardt U. 2021. A fresh outlook on the smooth-spored species of Inocybe: type studies and 18 new species. Mycological Progress 20: 1019–1114. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-021-01712-w
  • Miggel B, Eberhardt U, Scholler M. 2021. Milchlinge (Lactarius) und Täublinge (Russula). In: Scholler M, Popa F. Die Pilze des ehemaligen Bannwalds Wilder See im Nationalpark Schwarzwald unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der mit Abies alba (Weiß-Tanne) vergesellschafteten Arten. Schriftenreihe Forschung im Nationalpark 1, p. 415–434.
  • Bandini D, Oertel B, Eberhardt U. 2021. Inocybe blandula, eine neue höckersporige Art der Gattung Inocybe, Sektion Marginatae. Zeitschrift f. Mykologie 87: 211–228.
  • Eberhardt U, Beker HJ, Lindhardt T, Knudsen H, Schütz N, Elborne S. 2021. A survey of Hebeloma (Hymenogastraceae) in Greenland. Mycokeys 79: 17–118. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.79.63363
  • Bandini D, Oertel B, Eberhardt U. 2021. Noch mehr Risspilze (2): Dreizehn neue Arten der Familie Inocybaceae. Mycologia Bavarica 21: 27–98.
  • Dondl M, Eberhardt U, Hahn C. 2021. Clitocybula familia und Clitocybula lacerata aus Oberbayern. Mycologia Bavarica 21: 7–26.
  • Rebriev YA, Bogacheva AV, Beker HJ, Eberhardt U, Kochunova NA, Kotiranta H, Popov ES, Sazanova NA, Shiryaev AG, Zvyagina EA. New species of macromycetes for regions of the Russian Far East 2. Mikologiya I Fitopatologiya 55: 318–330.
  • Eberhardt U, Weholt Ø, Pettersen M, Schütz N, Beker HJ. 2021. Hebeloma of Norway. Agarica 42: 3–29.
  • Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Beker HJ, Lee SS, Horak E. 2021. Hebeloma in the Malay Peninsula: Masquerading within Psathyrella. Mycokeys 77: 117–141. https://doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.77.57394


  • Eberhardt U, Beker HJ, Schütz N, Mikami M, Kasuya T (2020) Rooting Hebelomas: The Japanese ‘Hebeloma radicosum’ is a distinct species, Hebeloma sagarae sp. nov. (Hymenogastraceae, Agaricales). Phytotaxa 456: 125-144. https://doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.456.2.1
  • Bandini D, Vauras J, Weholt Ø, Oertel B, Eberhardt U (2020): Inocybe woglindeana, a new species of the genus Inocybe, thriving in exposed habitats with calcareous sandy soil. Karstenia 58: 41-59.
  • Seibert R, Fellman B, Eberhardt U, Krieglsteiner L, Steiner H (2020): Der Winter-Kelchpilz Urnula hiemalis Nannf. 1949 in Deutschland. Zeitschrift f. Mykologie 86: 289-318.
  • Grilli E, Beker HJ, Eberhardt U, Schütz N, 2020. Hebeloma (Fr.) P. Kumm. – Supplement based on collections from Italy. Fungi Europaei 14A. Candusso Editrice, Origgio. 470 S.
  • Bandini D, Oertel B, Schüßler  C, Eberhardt U. (2020):Noch mehr Risspilze: Fünfzehn neue und zwei wenig bekannte Arten von Inocybe, Untergattung Inocybe. Mycologia Bavarica 20: 13-101.
  • Eberhardt U, Beker HJ, Schütz N, Pedersen OS, Sysouphanthong P, Læssøe T. (2020) Adventurous cuisine in Laos: Hebeloma parvisporum, a new species in Hebeloma section Porphyrospora. Mycologia 112: 172-184. doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2019.1680220


  • Beker HJ, Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Davies L. 2019 The Hebeloma project progresses. Citizen science at work. Fungi Kingdom News. The Newsletter of the Pioneer Valley Mycological Association 2019: 7-9.
  • Cripps CL, Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Beker HJ, Evenson VS, Horak E. 2019. The genus Hebeloma in the Rocky Mountain Alpine Zone. Mycokeys 46: 1-54. doi.org/10.3897/mycokeys.46.32823
  • Vu, D., Groenewald, M., de Vries, M., Gehrmann, T., Stielow, B., Eberhardt, U., Al-Hatmi, A., Groenewald, J.Z., Cardinali, G., Houbraken, J., Boekhout, T., Crous, P.W., Robert, V., Verkley, G.J.M. 2019. Large-scale generation and analysis of filamentous fungal DNA barcodes boosts coverage for kingdom fungi and reveals thresholds for fungal species and higher taxon delimitation. Studies in Mycology 92: 135–154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simyco.2018.05.001
  • Bandini D, Oertel B, Ploch S, Ali T, Vauras J, Schneider A, Scholler M, Eberhardt U, Thines M (2018 online) Revision of some central European species of Inocybe (Fr.: Fr.) Fr. subgenus Inocybe, with the description of five new species. Mycological Progress. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-018-1439-9



  • Beker, HJ, Eberhardt U, Schütz N 2017. Hebeloma in the United Kingdom. Field Mycology 18: 119–132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fldmyc.2017.10.005
  • Caboň M, Eberhardt U, Looney B, Hampe F, Kolařík M, Jančovičová S, Verbeken A, Adamčík S. 2017. New insights in Russulasubsect. Rubrinae: phylogeny and the quest for synapomorphic characters. Mycological Progress 19: 877–892. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-017-1322-0
  • De Crop E, Nuytinck J, Van de Putte K, Wisitrassameewong K, Hackel J, Stubbe D, Hyde KD, Roy M, Halling RE, Moreau P-A, Eberhardt U, Verbeken A. 2017. A multi-gene phylogeny of Lactifluus (Basidiomycota, Russulales) translated into a new infrageneric classification of the genus. Persoonia 38: 58–80. http://dx.doi.org/10.3767/003158517X693255
  • Beker H, Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Davies L. 2017. An update of the Hebeloma project. Citizen science at work. The Mycophile; Newsletter of the North American Mycological Association 57: 20–23.
  • Bandini D, Christan J, Eberhardt U, Ploch S, Tahir A, Oertel B, Thines M. 2017. Inocybe sphagnophila sp. nov., a new species of the nodulose-spored subsection Napipedinae of genus Inocybe (Agaricales). Mycol. Bav. 18: 11-34.


  • Vu D, Groenewald M, Szöke S, Cardinali G, Eberhardt U, Stielow B, de Vries M, Verkley GJM, Crous PW, Boekhout T, Robert V. (2016). DNA barcoding analysis of more than 9000 yeast isolates contributes to quantitative thresholds for yeast species and genera delimitation. Studies in Mycology: 91-105.
  • Wisitrassameewong K, Looney BP, Le HT, De Crop E, Das K, Van de Putte K, Eberhardt U, Jiayu G, Stubbe D, Hyde KD, Verbeken A, Nuytinck J. 2016. Lactarius subgenus Russularia (Basidiomycota, Russulales): novel Asian species, worldwide phylogeny and evolutionary relationships. Fungal Biology 120: 1554–1581. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2016.08.004
  • Adamcik S, Cabon M, Eberhardt U, Saba M, Hampe F, Slovák M, Kleine J, Marxmüller H, Jancovicova S, Pfister DH, Khalid AN, Kolarik M, Marhold K, Verbeken A. 2016. A molecular analysis reveals hidden species diversity within the current concept of Russula maculata (Russulaceae, Basidiomycota). Phytotaxa 270: 71–88. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.270.2.1
  • Adamcik S, Slovák M, Eberhardt U, Ronikier A, Jairus T, Hampe F, Verbeken A. 2016. Molecular inference, multivariate morphometrics and ecological assessment are applied in concert to delimit species in the Russula clavipes complex. Mycologia 108: 716-713. https://doi.org/10.3852/15-194
  • Beker HJ, Eberhardt U, Vesterholt J. 2016. Hebeloma  (Fr.) P. Kumm. Fungi Europaei 14. Edizioni Tecnografica, Lomazzo, Italia. 1229 pp. www.edizionicandusso.it/fungi_europaei/fungi_europaei_14.htm
  • Eberhardt U, Beker HJ, Vesterholt J, Schütz N. 2016. The taxonomy of the European species of Hebeloma section Denudata subsections HiemaliaEchinospora subsect. nov. and Clepsydroida subsect. nov. and five new species. Fungal Biology 120: 72-103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2015.09.014
  • Grilli E, Beker HJ, Eberhardt U, Schütz N, Leonardi M, Vizzini A. 2016. Unexpected species diversity and contrasting evolutionary hypotheses in Hebeloma (Agaricales) sections Sinapizantia and Velutipes in Europe. Mycological Progress 15 (5): 1-46. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-015-1148-6  
  • Voitk A, Beker HJ, Eberhardt U, Schütz N 2016. Hebeloma. Omphalina 7: 7–33. http://www.nlmushrooms.ca/omphaline/O-VII-5.pdf


  • Eberhardt U, Ronnikier A, Schütz N, Beker HJ. 2015. The genus Hebeloma in the alpine belt of the Carpathians including two new species. Mycologia 107: 1285-1303. DOI: 10.3852/15-097 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.3852/15-097
  • J.B. Stielow; C.A. Lévesque; K.A. Seifert; W. Meyer; L. Irinyi; D. Smits; R. Renfurm; G.J.M. Verkley; M. Groenewald; D. Chaduli; A. Lomascolo; S. Welti; L. Lesage-Meessen; A. Favel; A.M.S. Al-Hatmi; U. Damm; N. Yilmaz; J. Houbraken; L. Lombard; W. Quaedvlieg; M. Binder; L.A.I. Vaas; D. Vu; A. Yurkov; D. Begerow; O. Roehl; M. Guerreiro; A. Fonseca; K. Samerpitak; A.D. van Diepeningen; S. Dolatabadi; L.F. Moreno; S. Casaregola; S. Mallet; N. Jacques; L. Roscini; E. Egidi; C. Bizet; D. Garcia-Hermoso; M.P. Martín; S. Deng; J.Z. Groenewald; T. Boekhout; Z.W. de Beer; I. Barnes; T.A. Duong; M.J. Wingfield; G.S. de Hoog; P.W. Crous; C.T. Lewis; S. Hambleton; T.A.A. Moussa; H.S. Al-Zahrani; O.A. Almaghrabi; G. Louis-Seize; R. Assabgui; W. McCormick; G. Omer; K. Dukik; G. Cardinali; U. Eberhardt; M. de Vries; V. Robert. 2015. One fungus, which genes? Development and assessment of universal primers for potential secondary fungal DNA barcodes. Persoonia 35: 242-263. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158515X689135
  • Eberhardt, U, Beker HJ, Vesterholt, J. 2015. Decrypting the Hebeloma crustuliniforme complex: European species of Hebeloma sect. Denudata subsect. Denudata (Agaricales). Persoonia 35: 101-147. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158515X687704
  • Parra LA, Beker HJ, Grilli E, Eberhardt U, Hawksworth DL. 2015. (16–18) Proposals to add the unpaginated index of Traité des champignons and two editions of Tabula plantarum fungosarum by J.-J. Paulet to the list of “Suppressed Works” (ICN App. VI). Taxon 64: 644-646. http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/643.23
  • Beker H, Eberhardt U, & Hawksworth, DL. 2015. (2349) Proposal to conserve the name Hebeloma fragilipes against Hebelomina domardiana (Hebeloma domardianum) (Fungi: Agaricales: Strophariaceae). Taxon 64: 383. http://dx.doi.org/10.12705/642.16
  • Grilli E, Parra LA, Beker HJ, Eberhardt U. 2015. Some nomenclatural and taxonomic considerations on Agaricus subtestaceus Batsch 1789 and A. testaceus Fr. 1838. RMR Boll. AMER 94: 3-11 http://www.ameronlus.it/bollettini.php


  • Verbeken, A, Hampe, F, Wissitrassameewong, K, Hyde, K, Eberhardt, U, Nuytinck, J. (2014) A new angiocarpous Lactarius species from Thailand. Phytotaxa 181: 163-170. http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.181.3.4
  • Eberhardt, U, Verbeken, A, Nuytinck, J (2014) DNA-Barcoding, Pilze und das German Barcode of Life-Projekt (GBOL). Zeitschrift für Mykologie 80: 627-641.
  • Vesterholt J, Eberhardt U, Beker HJ. 2014. Epitypification of Hebeloma crustuliniforme. Mycological Progress 13: 553-562. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-013-0938-y
  • De Crop, E, Nuytinck, J, Van de Putte, K, Lecomte M, Eberhardt U, Verbeken A. 2014. Lactifluus piperatus (Russulales, Basidiomycota) and allied species in Western Europe and a preliminary overview of the group worldwide. Mycological Progress 13: 493-511. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11557-013-0931-5
  • Verbeken, A., Stubbe, D., Van de Putte, K., Eberhardt, U., Nuytinck, J. 2014. Tales from the unexpected: angiocarpous representatives of the Russulaceae in South East Asia. Persoonia 32: 13-24. DOI 10.3767/003158514X679119 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4150074/pdf/per-32-13.pdf
  • Hampe, F., Eberhardt, U. 2014. Kommentare zur molekularen Bestimmung eines Teils der vorgestellten Täublingskollektionen. In: Marxmüller, H.: Russularum Icones, p. 677-692.


  • Beker H, Eberhardt U, Vesterholt J, Hawksworth DL 2013. (2197) Proposal to conserve the name Hebeloma (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Strophariaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon, 62: pp. 1058-1059.
  • www.jstor.org/stable/taxon.62.5.1058
  • Beker H, Eberhardt U, Vesterholt J, Hawksworth DL  2013. (2198) Proposal to conserve the name Agaricus laterinus (Hebeloma laterinum) against the sanctioned Agaricus fastibilis (Hebeloma fastibile) (Basidiomycota: Agaricales: Strophariaceae).  Taxon, 62: 1059-1060. https://www.jstor.org/stable/taxon.62.5.1059?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  • Hampe F, Eberhardt U, Kleine J, Verbeken A. 2013. Russula rhodomelanea und die Russula-emeticella-Frage. Zeitschrift f. Mykologie 79: 377-403.
  • de Hoog S, Ahmed SA, Najafzadehm MJ, Sutton DA, Saradeghi Keisari M, Ahfahal AH, Eberhardt U, Verkleij GJ, Xin L, Stielow B, van Sande WWJ. 2013. Phylogenetic findings suggest possible new habitat and routes of infection of human eumyctoma. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 7, e2229. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0002229
  • Kõljalg U, Nilsson RH, Abarenkov K, Tedersoo L, Taylor AFS, Bahram M, Bates ST, Bruns TD, Bengtsson-Palme J, Callaghan TM, Douglas B, Drenkhan T, Eberhardt U, Dueñas M, Grebenc T, Griffith GW, Hartmann M, Kirk PM, Kohout P, Larsson E, Lindahl BD, Lücking R, Martín MP, Matheny PB, Nguyen NH, Niskanen T, Oja J, Peay KG, Peintner U, Peterson M, Põldmaa K, Saag L, Saar I, Schüßler A, Scott JA, Senés C, Smith ME, Suija A, Taylor DL, Telleria MT, Weiß M, Larsson K-H. 2013. Towards a unified paradigm for sequence-based identification of Fungi. Molecular Ecology, 22: 5271-5277. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.12481
  • Eberhardt, U, Beker, HJ, Vesterholt, J, Dukik, K. Walther, G. Vila, J, Fernandez Brime, S 2013. European species of Hebeloma section Theobromina. Fungal Diversity 58:103-126. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.funbio.2015.09.014


2011 and earlier

  • Das, K, Stalpers, J, Eberhardt, U. 2011. A new species of Hericium from Sikkim Himalaya (India). Cryptogamie Mycologie, 32: 285-293. https://doi.org/10.7872/crym.v32.iss3.2011.285
  • Lewis CT, Bilkhu S, Robert V, Eberhardt U, Szoke S, Seifert KA, Lévesque CA 2011. Identification of fungal DNA barcode targets and PCR primers based on Pfam protein families and taxonomic hierarchy. The Open Applied Informatics Journal 5: 30-44. DOI: 10.2174/1874136301005010030 https://benthamopen.com/contents/pdf/TOAINFOJ/TOAINFOJ-5-30.pdf
  • Robert V, Szöke S, Eberhardt U, Cardinali G, Meyer W, Seifert KA, Lévesque CA, Lewis CT (2011). The quest for a general and reliable fungal DNA barcode. The Open Applied Informatics Journal 5: 45-71. DOI: 10.2174/1874136301005010045 https://benthamopen.com/contents/pdf/TOAINFOJ/TOAINFOJ-5-45.pdf
  • Hawksworth, DL, Crous, PW, Redhead, SA, Reynolds, DR, Samson, RA, Seifert, KA, Taylor, JW, Wingfield, MJ, et al. 2011. The Amsterdam Declaration on Fungal Nomenclature. IMA Fungus 2: 105-112. https://doi.org/10.5598/imafungus.2011.02.01.14
  • Beker, H.J., Eberhardt, U. 2011. Sæsonens art. Svampe, 64: 24-25.
  • Beker, HJ, Eberhardt, U, Vesterholt, J. 2010. Hebeloma hiemale Bres. in Arctic/Alpine Habitats. North American Fungi, 5: 51-65.
  • Eberhardt, U, 2010. A constructive step towards selecting a DNA barcode for fungi. New Phytologist, 187: 265-268. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2010.03329.x
  • Eberhardt U 2007. DNA Barcoding in Europe – Report from the EDIT conference in Leiden, October 3–5. Edit Newsletter 6: 14–15.
  • Taylor, A.F.S., Eberhardt, U. 2006. Släktet Xerocomus in Sverige. Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift, 27, 35-48. https://www.svampar.se/smf/smt/SMT_2006_3.pdf
  • Eberhardt, U., Beker, HJ 2010. Hebeloma vesterholtii, a new species in section Theobromina. Myological Progress, 9: 215-223. DOI 10.1007/s11557-009-0627-z https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11557-009-0627-z.pdf
  • Eberhardt, U. 2005. Molekylära studier i familjen Russulaceae. Svensk Mykologisk Tidskrift, 26: 16-21. www.svampar.se/smf/smt/SMT_2005_1.pdf
  • Eberhardt, U. Taylor, A.F.S. 2002. Russulales i det svenska artprojektet. Jordstjärnan 23: 40-42.
  • Abarenkov K, Nilsson RH, Larsson K-H, Alexander IJ, Eberhardt U, Erland S, Høiland K, Kjøller R, Larsson E, Pennanen T, Sen R, Taylor AFS, Tedersoo L, Ursing BM, Vrålstad T, Liimatainen K, Peintner U, Ko˜ljalg U, 2010. The UNITE database for molecular identification of fungi – recent updates and future perspectives. New Phytologist, 186: 281-285. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2009.03160.x
  • Vesterholt, J, Gryta, H, Marmeisse, R, Beker, H, Eberhardt, U, Grilli, E, Boyle, H 2009. Proposal 1899: to conserve the name Hebeloma cylindrosporum against H. angustispermum (Basidiomycota). Mycotaxon, 110: 501.
  • Eberhardt U, Beker HJ, Vila J, Vesterholt J, Llimona X, Gadjieva R 2009. Hebeloma species associated with Cistus. Mycological Research, 113: 153-162. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2008.09.007
  • Nygren CMR, Eberhardt U, Karlsson M, Parrent JL, Lindahl BD, Taylor AFS, 2008. Growth on nitrate and occurrence of nitrate reductase encoding genes in a phylogenetically diverse range of ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist, 180: 875-889. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2008.02618.x
  • Buyck B, Hofstetter V, Eberhardt U, Verbeken A, Kauff, F. 2008. Walking the thin line between Russula and Lactarius: the dilemma of Russula subsect. Ochricompactae. Fungal Diversity, 28: 15-40. http://www.fungaldiversity.org/fdp/sfdp/28-2.pdf
  • Buyck, B., Verbeken, A., Eberhardt, U. 2007. The genus Lactarius in Madagascar. Mycological Research, 111: 787-798. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2007.04.006
  • Taylor, A.F.S., Hills, A.H., Muñoz, J., Eberhardt, U. 2007. Xerocomus silwoodensis A.E. Hills, U. Eberhardt & A.F.S. Taylor sp. nov., a new species within the European X. subtomentosus complex. Mycological Research, 111: 403-408. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2007.01.014
  • Toljander, J.F., Eberhardt, U., Toljander, Y.K., Paul, L.R., Taylor, A.F.S. 2006. Species composition of an ectomycorrhizal fungal community along a local nutrient gradient in a boreal forest. New Phytologist, 170, 873-883. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2006.01718.x
  • Taylor, A.F.S., Hills, A.H., Simonini, G., Both, E.E., Eberhardt, U. 2006. Detection of species within the Xerocomus subtomentosus complex in Europe using rDNA-ITS sequences. Mycological Research, 110: 276-287. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mycres.2005.11.013
  • Kõljalg, U., Larsson, K.-H., Abarenkov K., NilssonH.R., Alexander I.J., Eberhardt, U., Erland, S., Kjøller, R., Larsson, E., Pennanen, T., Sen, R., Taylor, A.F.S., Tedersoo, L., Vrålstad, T., Ursing B.M. 2005. UNITE - a database providing web-based methods for the molecular identification of ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Phytologist, 166: 1063-1068. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2005.01376.x
  • Eberhardt, U., Taylor, A.F.S. 2005. Molecular systematics of boletoid fungi. In: Muñoz, J. Boletus s.l. Vol. 2c of Fungi Europaei, Edizioni Candusso, Alassio, p. 35-43. http://www.edizionicandusso.it/fungi_europaei/fungi_europaei_2.htm
  • Eberhardt, U. Verbeken, A. 2004. Sequestrate Lactarius species from tropical Africa: L. angiocarpus nov. sp. and L. dolichocaulis nov. comb. Mycorrhizal Research, 108:1042-1052.https://doi.org/10.1017/S0953756204000784
  • Eberhardt, U. 2002. Molecular kinship analyses of the agaricoid Russulaceae: correspondence with mycorrhizal anatomy and sporocarp features in the genus Russula. Mycological Progress 1: 201-223.
  • https://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007%2Fs11557-006-0019-6.pdf
  • Eberhardt, U., Oberwinkler, F., Verbeken, A., Rinaldi, A. C., Pacioni, G., Comandini, O. 2000. Lactarius ectomycorrhizae on Abies alba: Morphological description, molecular characterization, and taxonomic remarks. Mycologia 92: 860-873. https://www.jstor.org/stable/3761582?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents
  • Eberhardt, U., Walter, L., Kottke, I. 1999. Molecular and morphological discrimination between Tylospora fibrillosa and Tylospora asterophora mycorrhizae. Canadian Journal of Botany 77: 11-21. https://doi.org/10.1139/b98-182
  • Rexer, K.-H., Kottke, I., Eberhardt, U., Walter, L., Oberwinkler, F. 1998: Das Mykorrhizapotential auf Sturmwurfflächen und seine Bedeutung für die Bestandsregeneration. In: Fischer, A. (ed.) Die Entwicklung von Waldbiozönosen nach Sturmwurf. Ecomed, Landsberg, p. 94-112.


Since 2012

  • project scientist at the Stuttgart State Museum of Natural History


  • part-time lecturer in the Research Group Mycology, Dept. of Biology, Ghent University


  • postdoc at the Fungal Biodiversity Centre - Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures (KNAW-CBS) Utrecht (current name ‘Westerdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute’)


  • project scientist at the Dept. Forest Mycology and Pathology (current name ‘Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology’), Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala


  • Individual Marie Curie Fellowship, Dept. Forest Mycology and Pathology Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala


  • project scientist at the Dept. of Specific Botany und Mycology, University of Tübingen


  • doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) at the Dept. of Specific Botany und Mycology, University of Tübingen


  • Biology Diplom at the Dept. of Specific Botany und Mycology, University of Tübingen