M.Sc. Sonia Bigalk

Profilbild Sonia Bigalk

project employee LUBW Insect Monitoring (Indicator "biomass air")



+49 (0) 711 / 8936-241
+49 (0) 711 / 8936-100

Research interests

Systematics and taxonomy of chalcid wasps (Chalcidoidea), especially of the family Pteromalidae. Biodiversity assessment of Hymenoptera at the ‘Evolution Canyon’ in Israel.




  • Vršanský, P., Bechly, G., Zhang, Q., Jarzembowski, E. A., Mlynský, T., Šmídová, L., Barna, P., Kúdela, M., Aristov, D., Bigalk, S., Krogmann, L., Li, L., Zhang, Q., Zhang, H., Ellenberger, S., Müller, P., Gröhn, C., Xia, F., Ueda, K., Vďačný, P., Valaška, D., Vršanská, L. & Wang, B. (2018): Batesian insect-insect mimicry-related explosive radiation of ancient alienopterid cockroaches. Biologia, 73(10), 987-1006.
  • Bigalk, S. (2017) Who’s there? Hymenoptera biodiversity at the “Evolution Canyon” in Israel. Hamuli Newsletter of the International Society of Hymenopterists, Volume 8, Issue 2, p. 10-11.

Congress presentations

  • Bigalk, S., Schweizer, T., Nevo, E., Steidle, J. & Krogmann, L. 2018: Unique, unusual, unknown: A first assessment of Hymenoptera biodiversity at Evolution Canyon, Israel. Präsentation. 13. Hymenopterologen-Tagung, 19.-21. Oktober 2018, Stuttgart, Deutschland. Beiträge der 13. Hymenopterologen-Tagung in Stuttgart in Mitteilungen des Entomologischen Vereins Stuttgart, Jahrgang 53, Heft 1, Oktober 2018, S. 3.
  • Bigalk, S., Schweizer, T., Nevo, E., Steidle, J. & Krogmann, L. 2018: A first biodiversity assessment of Hymenoptera at Evolution Canyon, Israel. Präsentation. 9th Conference of the International Society of Hymenopterists, 23.-27. Juli 2018, Matsuyama, Japan.



  • Scientific trainee at the Department of Entomology


  • Master of Science: Biology (University of Hohenheim)

    Thesis at the State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Department of Entomology (Krogmann lab) in Collaboration with the University of Hohenheim (Steidle lab), title: Hymenoptera Biodiversity at 'Evolution Canyon', Israel


  • Bachelor of Science: Biology (University of Hohenheim), main subject zoology

    Thesis at the Institute of Zoology, Parasitology supervised by Prof. Dr. Ute Mackenstedt, title: Intestinal parasite fauna of reticulated giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) of the Zoological-Botanical Garden ‘Wilhelma’ Stuttgart
