Mehrere Rüsselkäfer in Sammlung


Direkt am Puls der Wissenschaft: in unserem Wissenschaftskolloquium werden aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten aus dem Naturkundemuseum Stuttgart, aber auch von (internationalen) Partnerinstitutionen vorgestellt. Das Kolloquium dient dem wissenschaftlichen Austausch unter Forschenden und allen Forschungsinteressierten. Die Vorträge in englischer Sprache finden regelmäßig alle 14 Tage dienstags um 15 Uhr im Museum am Löwentor statt und werden über Zoom übertragen. Wir freuen uns über rege Teilnahme vor Ort oder online!

Zur Terminübersicht


14.01.25, 16 Uhr
From DNA to ecosystems – the promise of metabarcoding biological archives for biodiversity monitoring
Henrik Krehenwinkel, Uni Trier

New approaches and data sources are urgently needed to understand historical biodiversity change in the Anthropocene. Recent developments in high throughput DNA metabarcoding hold great promise to provide the needed data. The analysis of environmental DNA (eDNA), DNA traces left by organisms in their environment, has particularly revolutionized biodiversity research. eDNA is preserved in many biological archives, making it possible to trace taxonomic changes at unprecedented temporal detail. I will give an overview of our work using eDNA analysis in biological archives, particularly the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB). In the past three decades, the ESB has compiled highly standardized biotic samples from various ecosystems of Germany. In my talk, I will highlight our recent work on the reconstruction of 30-years of temporal changes in biological communities across the tree of life in marine, limnic and terrestrial samples of the ESB.

As usual, we will also broadcast via zoom for those who can not join in person:

Zum Online-Vortrag


  • 02.10.24
    Endocrine links between life cycle evolution and the diversification of salamanders
    Ronald Bonett, University of Tulsa
  • 08.10.24
    Genomic Perspectives on African Shrews: Evolutionary History, Diversity, and Speciation Patterns in Crocidura
    Malahat Dianat, Masaryk University, Brno
  • 19.11.24
    The looooong neck of giraffes - form and function in light of evolution
    John Nyakatura, Humboldt Universität Berlin
  • 03.12.24
    Sex determination and local habitats: Signatures of diversity and adaptation in bees
    Martin Hasselmann, Uni Hohenheim
  • 17.12.24
    Application of the eDNA metabarcoding approach to recover arthropod communities and interaction networks: case studies from plant-arthropod and predator-prey associations
    Majid Moradman
  • 14.01.25
    From DNA to ecosystems – the promise of metabarcoding biological archives for biodiversity monitoring
    Henrik Krehenwinkel, Uni Trier
  • 28.01.25
    Thema folgt
    Max Dehling
  • 04.02.25
    Thema folgt
    Serjoscha Evers
  • 11.02.25
    A new family of temnospondyl amphibian and the trait evolution of brevirostrine forms in Triassic amphibians
    Sanjukta Chakravorti